Everything you Need to Know About Shower Enclosure Sizes

Published by: Kevin Sears

07th March 24

Reading Time: 8 minutes and 49 seconds

When it comes to designing or renovating your bathroom, choosing the right shower enclosure size is crucial. Whether you have a small bathroom that needs a space-saving solution or a spacious bathroom with room for luxury, understanding the standard shower enclosure sizes and how to determine the correct size for your space is essential.

In this blog, we'll explore the different options available and provide guidance on selecting the perfect shower enclosure size for your needs.

What is the standard shower enclosure size?

Selecting the ideal shower size is a decision that is influenced by individual factors such as available space, individual preferences, and functional requirements. Whilst there are customisation options around, a commonly favoured standard shower size is 800 x 800mm, which is well-suited for various bathroom spaces. The standard family bathroom size in the UK is 2000mm x 2000mm. So 800 x 800 mm is the ‘standard shower size’ in the UK.

Shower enclosure sizes

Although a 800 mm x 800 mm shower is suitable for most spaces, here are some other popular shower sizes:

Popular shower sizes

Shower Enclosure Size for Small Bathrooms

Small bathrooms require careful planning to make the most of the available space while ensuring that the shower enclosure remains functional and comfortable.

In general, in a small bathroom, 800 x 800m should be perfectly fine for your shower enclosure size. If your bathroom is particularly on the small side, reduce your shower size to 700m x 700m. It is advisable to measure your space to determine which size will be best for the space you have available.

Here's a more detailed look at some of the options and considerations for small bathrooms:

Quadrant Shower Enclosures

These are a fantastic choice for small bathrooms due to their space-saving design. The curved shape allows them to fit neatly into a corner, making efficient use of the room. You can find quadrant enclosures in various sizes, but for small bathrooms, consider models around 800mm x 800mm (32’’ x 32’’) or 900mm x 900mm (35’’ x 35’’). These sizes provide enough room for a comfortable shower while maximising space.

Pivot or Hinged Door Shower Enclosures

Hinged door enclosures are another space-saving option. They typically feature a single door that pivots outward into the bathroom. For small bathrooms, look for widths ranging from 700mm to 900mm. The pivot door design ensures that the shower enclosure doesn't take up too much space when you're entering or exiting.

Sliding Door Shower Enclosures

Sliding door shower enclosures offer an ideal solution for small bathrooms. Their space-saving design, characterised by doors that glide smoothly along tracks rather than swinging outward, eliminates the need for extra clearance space, making them a perfect fit for tight bathroom layouts.

Corner Shower Enclosures

If you have an awkward corner space to work with, a corner shower enclosure can be customised to fit your specific dimensions. These enclosures maximise the use of corner space and offer a cosy showering experience.

Shower Enclosure Size for Large Bathrooms

When it comes to large bathrooms, the possibilities for shower enclosures are spacious and diverse. Larger bathrooms allow for more shower room and can create a luxurious and comfortable showering experience. Let's explore the various size options and enclosure types that are well-suited for large bathrooms:

1200mm x 900mm Shower Enclosures

This is a popular starting point for large bathroom shower enclosures. It provides a substantial showering space while still maintaining a modern look. Great options for larger spaces include sliding shower door enclosures, walk-in shower enclosures and hinged shower door enclosures.

1400mm - 1700mm Shower Enclosures

For those who desire even more space and comfort, larger shower enclosures are available. These can range from 1400mm to 1700mm or more in width, accommodating a range of design preferences and personal space requirements.

Square Enclosures

Square enclosures are a classic choice for large bathrooms. They are available in various sizes, offering more room for a comfortable shower. 

Rectangular Enclosures

Rectangular enclosures often come in sizes like 1200mm x 800mm or 1400mm x 900mm. These larger sizes are well-suited for those who enjoy a roomy shower and want to incorporate additional features such as multiple shower heads, benches, or niches.

Additional Considerations for Large Bathroom Shower Enclosures

When selecting a shower enclosure for your large bathroom, consider these additional factors:

Customisation: Large bathrooms often provide room for customisation. Many manufacturers offer customisable shower enclosures, allowing you to tailor the size, shape, glass type, and fixtures to your exact preferences.

Design Aesthetics: Large bathrooms can accommodate various design styles. Choose a shower enclosure that complements your bathroom's overall aesthetics, whether it's a sleek, frameless glass enclosure or a more traditional framed design.

Accessibility: If your large bathroom is intended for use by individuals with mobility challenges or if you simply want a luxurious spa-like experience, consider options like walk-in showers with low or zero-threshold entries.

Shower Fixtures: Don't forget to consider the type and placement of shower fixtures, such as rainfall showerheads, body jets, and handheld showerheads. Large bathrooms offer the opportunity to incorporate multiple shower features for a truly indulgent experience.

Walk-in Shower Enclosures

Walk-in showers have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their modern and spacious design. Walk in shower enclosures are available in many sizes. Here are some of the key features and considerations for walk-in shower enclosures:

Open Design

Walk-in showers are characterised by their open, doorless design. They often feature a single glass panel or a half-wall to prevent water from splashing outside the showering area. This open design creates a sense of space and luxury.


Walk-in showers can be highly customised to fit your bathroom's layout and your design preferences. You can choose the size, shape, and type of glass for the enclosure, as well as the shower fixtures and tile patterns.


Walk-in showers are an excellent choice for individuals with mobility issues. They are easy to enter and exit, and some can even be designed with a zero-threshold entry, making them wheelchair-accessible.

Our walk in shower door enclosures are available in three different sizes including 900m, 1000m, 1200m and 1400m.

How Can you Determine the Correct Shower Enclosure Size for Your Bathroom?

Selecting the right shower enclosure size involves a thoughtful process. Let's delve deeper into the steps for accurately determining the correct size:

Bathroom Size: The size of your bathroom will determine the size of your shower enclosure. It is important to choose a shower enclosure that will match your room size. If you have a larger bathroom, go larger in size to compliment the size of the room. If you have a small bathroom, a 700 or 800 mm shower enclosure will be perfect.

Measure Your Bathroom: Use a tape measure to determine the exact dimensions of your bathroom space where you plan to install the shower enclosure. Make sure to account for any obstructions like sinks, toilets, and doors. We have included a step-by-step of how to do this below. Once you have your measurements, you can draw a floor plan. This will help ensure the whole process runs as smoothly as possible and will help keep you within the measurement area that you’ve established. 

User Needs: Consider who will be using the shower and their specific needs. If it's a shared bathroom, think about the comfort of all users. Take into account the height and reach of the individuals to ensure the showerhead and controls are at an appropriate level.

Clearance Space: Leave enough clearance space around the shower enclosure. This is especially important for hinged or pivot door enclosures, as they require space for the door to swing open. Ensure there's enough room for easy access and maintenance.

Professional Advice: If you're unsure about sizing or if your bathroom layout is unique, it's highly advisable to consult with a professional bathroom designer or contractor. They can provide expert guidance and may suggest custom solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Customisation: Don't forget that many shower enclosure manufacturers offer customisation options. If your bathroom layout is unconventional or you have specific design preferences, explore custom-made enclosures to ensure a perfect fit.

How to Measure Your Bathroom for the Right Size Shower Enclosure

To determine which shower enclosure size you need, measure the bathroom space and the place where you intend to put the shower. Make sure to take all measurements including the height, width and depth of the space. Here is a guide on how to measure your bathroom for a shower enclosure:

  • Gather Your Tools:
  • Tape Measure: Use a reliable tape measure, preferably one with both metric and imperial measurements.

    Pencil and Paper: Keep a notepad and pencil handy to jot down measurements and sketches.

  • Measure the Length and Width of Your Bathroom:
  • Start by measuring the length and width of your bathroom. Measure the longest wall for the length and the shortest wall for the width. Record these dimensions in both metric (millimetres or centimetres) and imperial (inches or feet) units for convenience.

  • Check Ceiling Height:
  • Measure the height of the bathroom ceiling from the floor to the ceiling's highest point. Ensure that you measure from the same starting point as your length and width measurements.

  • Locate Fixtures and Obstacles:
  • Identify the location of fixtures such as toilets, sinks, and other permanent bathroom elements. Measure their distances from the walls to account for any potential clearance issues. Note the placement of doors and windows, as these can affect the placement and size of your shower enclosure.

  • Determine the Enclosure Placement:
  • Decide where you want to install the shower enclosure. Common locations include corners, along a straight wall, or within a niche.

  • Measure the Chosen Area for the Shower Enclosure:
  • Measure the width, height, and depth of the chosen shower enclosure area. Make these measurements from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling, and from the entrance to the back wall, respectively.

  • Consider the Door Type:
  • If you're planning to install a hinged or pivot door enclosure, measure the space in front of the enclosure to ensure there's enough room for the door to swing open without obstruction.

  • Measure for the Shower Tray:
  • If you're using a shower tray or base, measure the dimensions of the available space within the enclosure area. This includes the length and width of the area where the shower tray will sit.

  • Sketch Your Bathroom:
  • Create a simple sketch of your bathroom layout, including the location of fixtures, windows, doors, and the chosen placement of the shower enclosure and tray. Add all measurements to your sketch for reference.

  • Seek Professional Advice (Optional):
  • If you're uncertain about any measurements or aspects of the installation, consider consulting a professional bathroom designer or contractor. They can provide valuable guidance and ensure a precise fit for your shower enclosure.

    FAQs for Shower Enclosures

    Can I install a large shower enclosure in a small bathroom?

    While it's technically possible, doing so can make a small bathroom feel cramped and uncomfortable. It's generally best to opt for a compact shower enclosure in smaller spaces.

    What's the minimum size for a comfortable shower enclosure?

    A comfortable shower enclosure typically starts at around 800mm x 800mm. However, larger sizes, such as 900mm x 900mm or 1000mm x 1000mm, provide a more enjoyable shower experience.

    Do I need a professional to install my shower enclosure?

    The complexity of the installation can vary depending on the type of enclosure and your DIY skills. While some enclosures are designed for DIY installation, it's always a good idea to hire a professional, especially for custom or complex designs, to ensure a proper and leak-free installation.

    Are there options for wheelchair-accessible shower enclosures?

    Yes, many manufacturers offer wheelchair-accessible shower enclosures. These are designed to be spacious and have a low or no threshold for easy entry and exit, making them suitable for individuals with mobility challenges.


    In conclusion, selecting the right shower enclosure size is a vital part of bathroom design. Whether you have a small or large bathroom, understanding the available options and following a thorough planning process will help you create a functional and aesthetically pleasing shower space that meets your unique needs and preferences. Remember, customization is often an option, and seeking professional advice can lead to the best outcome for your bathroom renovation or design project.

    If you are currently looking for a shower enclosure for your bathroom, all of our beautiful designs and options are available on the above link.

    Read our following blogs for further shower inspiration: 

    Kevin Sears

    About Kevin Sears

    Kevin Sears is a bathroom and interior design blogger here at 34 St John. He creates original content utilising his extensive knowledge of the bathroom industry and latest trends.

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